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Clinton County Waste Management Volunteer Registration
Means Field Is Required
Complete the information below and click Submit.
Shift station assignments, along with additional information will be mailed approximately one week before event.
I Can Volunteer at the Following Events:
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Street Address
Apt / Suite / Unit Number
Postal Code
Preferred Station
Please List Other Times You Would Be Available:
Comments Or Special Considerations:
Will you be 17 years of age or older at the time of the event?
Supervisor Acknowledgement
By checking this box I understand that I must be accompanied by an adult supervisor in order to participate in this event.
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Phone
Release Form
By indicating Yes below, you are electronically signing and verifying that you have read and agree to the conditions and instructions contained in the Liability Release form.
Download Liability Release Form
Yes, I have Read the Release Form and Agree (View Liability Release Form to Enable)
Receive an Email Copy of this Form
Submit Registration
Data Concurrency Error
The data you are trying to change has been changed elsewhere. It will be reloaded.
Cancel Changes Warning
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Confirm Changes
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What to Confirm Here
Delete Warning
Are you sure you want to delete the selected record(s)?
Save Changes Warning
Saving your changes includes deleting records. Are you sure you want to continue?
Confirm Action
Do you want to make the following change?
What to Confirm Here
Are you sure you want to remove the selected record(s)?
Required Fields Missing
Please enter the following required information:
Missing Fields
Action Success
Your changes were saved successfully.
SolidCircle Error
There was an error saving this record. If this continues, please contact the helpdesk.
Loss of Unsaved Changes
You have unsaved changes. If you continue, your changes will be lost. Do you want to continue?
Changes Require Action First
You have unsaved changes. In order to continue, you will need to save or cancel out of those changes before continuing.
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